Source code for patcher.models.reports.pdf_report

import os
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from typing import List, Union

import pandas as pd
from fpdf import FPDF
from pandas.errors import ParserError
from PIL import Image

from ...client.ui_manager import UIConfigManager
from ...utils import exceptions, logger

[docs] class PDFReport(FPDF): """ Handles the generation of PDF reports from Excel files. The ``PDFReport`` class extends FPDF to create a PDF report from an Excel file containing patch data. It supports custom headers, footers, and font styles based on the UI configuration. """ def __init__( self, ui_config: UIConfigManager, orientation="L", unit="mm", format="A4", date_format="%B %d %Y", ): """ Initializes the PDFReport with the provided parameters and UIConfigManager. :param ui_config: An instance of ``UIConfigManager`` for managing UI configuration. :type ui_config: UIConfigManager :param orientation: Orientation of the PDF, default is "L" (landscape). :type orientation: str :param unit: Unit of measurement, default is "mm". :type unit: str :param format: Page format, default is "A4". :type format: str :param date_format: Date format string for the PDF report header, default is "%B %d %Y". :type date_format: str """ self.log = logger.LogMe(self.__class__.__name__) super().__init__(orientation=orientation, unit=unit, format=format) # type: ignore self.date_format = date_format self.ui_config = ui_config.get_ui_config() self.logo_path = ui_config.get_logo_path() self.add_font(self.ui_config.get("FONT_NAME"), "", self.ui_config.get("FONT_REGULAR_PATH")) self.add_font(self.ui_config.get("FONT_NAME"), "B", self.ui_config.get("FONT_BOLD_PATH")) self.table_headers = [] self.column_widths = []
[docs] @staticmethod def get_image_ratio(image_path: str) -> float: """ Gets the aspect ratio of the logo provided. :param image_path: Path to the image file :type image_path: str :return: The width-to-height ratio of the image. :rtype: float """ with as img: width, height = img.size return width / height
[docs] @staticmethod def trim_transparency(image_path: str) -> str: """ Trims transparent padding from the logo and returns the path to a temporary file. :param image_path: Path to the input image file. :type image_path: str :return: Path to the trimmed image. :rtype: str """ with as img: bbox = img.getbbox() trimmed = img.crop(bbox) temp_file = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".png") return
[docs] def header(self): """ Creates the header section for each page of the PDF report with an optional logo. The header includes the configured header text and the current date formatted according to ``self.date_format``. On subsequent pages, the table header is also added. """ header_font_size = 24 date_font_size = 18 text_padding = 2 # Padding between lines of text # Text block height calculation header_text_height = header_font_size * 0.352778 date_text_height = date_font_size * 0.352778 total_text_height = header_text_height + date_text_height + text_padding # Top margin top_margin = 10 # Calculate text block center text_block_center_y = top_margin + (total_text_height / 2) text_x_offset = 10 if self.logo_path and os.path.exists(self.logo_path): try: # Trim the logo and use the trimmed version trimmed_logo_path = self.trim_transparency(self.logo_path) aspect_ratio = self.get_image_ratio(trimmed_logo_path) # Adjust logo dimensions logo_height_mm = total_text_height logo_width_mm = logo_height_mm * aspect_ratio # Center the logo vertically logo_x = 10 logo_y = text_block_center_y - (logo_height_mm / 2) self.image(trimmed_logo_path, x=logo_x, y=logo_y, w=logo_width_mm, h=logo_height_mm) # Adjust text x-offset text_x_offset = logo_x + logo_width_mm + 2 # Reduced padding after logo except Exception as e: self.log.error(f"Error adding logo to header: {e}") # Align header text self.set_xy(text_x_offset, top_margin) self.set_font(self.ui_config.get("FONT_NAME"), "B", header_font_size) self.cell(0, header_text_height, self.ui_config.get("HEADER_TEXT"), align="L", ln=True) # Align date below header text self.set_x(text_x_offset) self.set_font(self.ui_config.get("FONT_NAME"), "", date_font_size) self.cell( 0, date_text_height,, align="L", ln=True ) # Add table header for pages > 1 if self.page_no() > 1: self.add_table_header()
[docs] def add_table_header(self): """ Adds the table header to the PDF report. This method is called on pages after the first to add column headers for the data table in the PDF report. The headers and their widths are defined by ``self.table_headers`` and ``self.column_widths``. """ self.set_y(30) self.set_font(self.ui_config.get("FONT_NAME"), "B", 11) for header, width in zip(self.table_headers, self.column_widths): self.cell(width, 10, header, border=1, align="C") self.ln(10)
[docs] def footer(self): """ Creates the footer section for each page of the PDF report. The footer includes the configured footer text and the current page number. The footer text is styled with a smaller font and a light gray color. """ self.set_y(-15) self.set_font(self.ui_config.get("FONT_NAME"), "", 6) self.set_text_color(175, 175, 175) footer_text = f"{self.ui_config.get('FOOTER_TEXT')} | Page " + str(self.page_no()) self.cell(0, 10, footer_text, 0, 0, "R")
[docs] def calculate_column_widths(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> List[float]: """ Calculates column widths based on the longer of the header length or the longest content in each column, ensuring they fit within the page width. :param data: DataFrame containing dataset to be included in PDF. :type data: pandas.DataFrame :return: A list of column widths proportional to header lengths. :rtype: List[float] """ # Assign widths based on header lengths page_width = self.w - 20 # Account for left/right margins max_lengths = [ max(len(str(header)), data[column].astype(str).map(len).max()) for header, column in zip(self.table_headers, data.columns) ] total_length = sum(max_lengths) # Calculate proportional widths proportional_widths = [(length / total_length) * page_width for length in max_lengths] # Enforce constraints to ensure columns fit the page while sum(proportional_widths) > page_width: excess = sum(proportional_widths) - page_width for i in range(len(proportional_widths)): if proportional_widths[i] > 20: # Avoid shrinking below a minimum width adjustment = min(excess, proportional_widths[i] - 20) proportional_widths[i] -= adjustment excess -= adjustment if excess <= 0: break return proportional_widths
[docs] def export_excel_to_pdf( self, excel_file: Union[str, Path], date_format: str = "%B %d %Y" ) -> None: """ Creates a PDF report from an Excel file containing patch data. This method reads an Excel file, extracts the data, and populates it into a PDF report using the defined headers and column widths. The PDF is then saved to the same directory as the Excel file. :param excel_file: Path to the Excel file to convert to PDF. :type excel_file: Union[str, Path] :param date_format: The date format string for the PDF report header. :type date_format: str """ # Read excel file try: df = pd.read_excel(excel_file) except ParserError as e: self.log.error(f"Failed to parse the excel file: {e}") raise exceptions.PatcherError(f"Failed to parse the excel file: {e}") # Create instance of FPDF pdf = PDFReport(ui_config=UIConfigManager(), date_format=date_format) # Set headers and calculate column widths pdf.table_headers = df.columns.tolist() pdf.column_widths = pdf.calculate_column_widths(df) pdf.add_page() pdf.add_table_header() # Data rows pdf.set_font(self.ui_config.get("FONT_NAME"), "", 9) for _, row in df.iterrows(): for data, width in zip(row.astype(str), pdf.column_widths): pdf.cell(width, 10, str(data), border=1, align="C") pdf.ln(10) if pdf.get_y() > pdf.h - 20: pdf.add_page() pdf.add_table_header() # Save PDF to a file pdf_filename = os.path.splitext(excel_file)[0] + ".pdf" try: pdf.output(pdf_filename) except (OSError, PermissionError) as e: self.log.error(f"Error occurred trying to export to PDF: {e}") raise exceptions.ExportError(file_path=pdf_filename)