Source code for patcher.utils.exceptions

from typing import AnyStr, Optional

import click

from .logger import handle_traceback

[docs] class PatcherError(Exception): """Base exception class for exceptions with automatic traceback logging and concise error display.""" default_message = "An error occurred" def __init__(self, message: AnyStr = None, **kwargs): self.message = message or self.default_message self.details = kwargs self.message = self.format_message() super().__init__(self.message) self.log_traceback() self.display_message()
[docs] def log_traceback(self): """Log the traceback of the exception. See :meth:`~patcher.utils.logger.handle_traceback`.""" handle_traceback(self)
[docs] def display_message(self): """Display the error message to the console.""" click.echo("\nError: {self.message}", fg="red", bold=True), err=True)
[docs] def format_message(self) -> str: """Format exception message properly.""" details = " - ".join( f"{key}: {value}" for key, value in self.details.items() if value is not None ) if details: return f"{self.message} - {details}" return self.message
def __str__(self): return self.message
[docs] class CredentialDeletionError(PatcherError): """Raised when there is a specified credential could not be removed from keychain.""" default_message = "Unable to delete credential" def __init__(self, cred: Optional[AnyStr] = None): super().__init__(cred=cred)
[docs] class TokenFetchError(PatcherError): """Raised when there is an error fetching a bearer token from Jamf API.""" default_message = "Unable to fetch bearer token" def __init__(self, reason: Optional[AnyStr] = None): super().__init__(reason=reason)
[docs] class TokenLifetimeError(PatcherError): """Raised when the token lifetime is too short.""" default_message = "Token lifetime is too short" def __init__(self, lifetime: Optional[int] = None): super().__init__(lifetime=lifetime)
[docs] class DirectoryCreationError(PatcherError): """Raised when there is an error creating directories.""" default_message = "Error creating directory" def __init__(self, path: Optional[AnyStr] = None): super().__init__(path=path)
[docs] class PlistError(PatcherError): """Raised when there is an error interacting with plist.""" default_message = "Unable to interact with plist" def __init__(self, path: Optional[AnyStr] = None): super().__init__(path=path)
[docs] class ExportError(PatcherError): """Raised when encountering error(s) exporting data to files.""" default_message = "Error exporting data" def __init__(self, file_path: Optional[AnyStr] = None): super().__init__(file_path=file_path)
[docs] class PolicyFetchError(PatcherError): """Raised when unable to fetch policy IDs from the Jamf instance.""" default_message = "Error obtaining policy information from Jamf instance" def __init__(self, url: Optional[AnyStr] = None): super().__init__(url=url)
[docs] class SummaryFetchError(PatcherError): """Raised when there is an error fetching summaries.""" default_message = "Error obtaining patch summaries from Jamf instance" def __init__(self, url: Optional[AnyStr] = None): super().__init__(url=url)
[docs] class DeviceIDFetchError(PatcherError): """Raised when there is an error fetching device IDs from the Jamf instance.""" default_message = "Error retrieving device IDs from Jamf instance" def __init__(self, reason: Optional[AnyStr] = None): super().__init__(reason=reason)
[docs] class DeviceOSFetchError(PatcherError): """Raised when there is an error fetching device OS information from the Jamf instance.""" default_message = "Error retrieving OS information from Jamf instance" def __init__(self, reason: Optional[AnyStr] = None): super().__init__(reason=reason)
[docs] class SortError(PatcherError): """Raised when there is an error sorting columns.""" default_message = "Invalid column name for sorting" def __init__(self, column: Optional[AnyStr] = None): super().__init__(column=column)
[docs] class SofaFeedError(PatcherError): """Raised when there is an error fetching SOFA feed data.""" default_message = "Unable to fetch SOFA feed" def __init__( self, reason: Optional[AnyStr] = None, url: AnyStr = "", ): super().__init__(reason=reason, url=url)
[docs] class APIPrivilegeError(PatcherError): """Raised when the provided API client does not have sufficient privileges for API call type.""" default_message = "API Client does not have sufficient privileges" def __init__(self, reason: Optional[AnyStr] = None): super().__init__(reason=reason)