Source code for patcher.models.reports.excel_report

import os
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional, Union

import pandas as pd

from ...utils import exceptions, logger
from ..patch import PatchTitle

[docs] class ExcelReport: """ Handles the generation of Excel reports from patch data. The ``ExcelReport`` class provides functionality to export patch data into an Excel spreadsheet, saving it to the specified directory. """ def __init__(self): self.log = logger.LogMe(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def export_to_excel( self, patch_reports: List[PatchTitle], output_dir: Union[str, Path] ) -> Optional[str]: """ Exports patch data to an Excel spreadsheet in the specified output directory. This method converts a list of :class:`~patcher.models.patch.PatchTitle` instances into a DataFrame and writes it to an Excel file. The file is saved with a timestamp in the filename. :param patch_reports: List of ``PatchTitle`` instances containing patch report data. :type patch_reports: List[PatchTitle] :param output_dir: Directory where the Excel spreadsheet will be saved. :type output_dir: Union[str, Path] :return: Path to the created Excel spreadsheet, or ``None`` if an error occurs. :rtype: Optional[str] """ if isinstance(output_dir, Path): output_dir = str(output_dir) current_date ="%m-%d-%y") try: df = pd.DataFrame([patch.model_dump() for patch in patch_reports]) df.columns = [column.replace("_", " ").title() for column in df.columns] except ValueError as e: self.log.error(f"Error creating DataFrame: {e}") raise exceptions.ExportError(f"Error creating DataFrame: {e}") except Exception as e: self.log.error(f"Exception occurred trying to export to Excel: {e}") raise exceptions.ExportError(file_path=str(output_dir)) excel_path = os.path.join(output_dir, f"patch-report-{current_date}.xlsx") df.to_excel(excel_path, index=False)"Excel spreadsheet created successfully at {excel_path}") return excel_path