Excel Report#

class ExcelReport[source]#

Handles the generation of Excel reports from patch data.

The ExcelReport class provides functionality to export patch data into an Excel spreadsheet, saving it to the specified directory.

static export_to_excel(patch_reports: List[PatchTitle], output_dir: str | Path) str | None[source]#

Exports patch data to an Excel spreadsheet in the specified output directory.

This method converts a list of PatchTitle instances into a DataFrame and writes it to an Excel file. The file is saved with a timestamp in the filename.

  • patch_reports (List[PatchTitle]) – List of PatchTitle instances containing patch report data.

  • output_dir (Union[str, Path]) – Directory where the Excel spreadsheet will be saved.


Path to the created Excel spreadsheet, or None if an error occurs.

Return type:
